WSV - Welcome
Bringing volleyball to Weymouth on Wednesdays
This website is for "Weymouth Social Volleyball"
WSV - IS READY for 24/25 Season!
WSV's 24/25 Season will continue to be split into two half’s. Each containing a Tournament to bring competitive volleyball to as many as possible.
We welcome applications from teams AND individual players of any standard.
Team Applications are Open for 24/25.
WSV continues to work with Weymouth College to improve volleyball for all volleyball clubs and players in the local area.
About WSV
We provide a friendly place where players of all standards can enjoy volleyball in a social atmosphere with friendly competition.
Latest Information
The 2024/25 Season starts on 11th September.
With just a month to go the website is ready for your Team Applications.
Please either click the link in the paragraph above or use the link on the Home Page.
We look forward to helping competitive social volleyball for another year.
The WSV Website will be under construction for thee 2024/25 Season. Please check back in Aug ‘24.
As with the previous News item, the Presentation evening will be held on Wednesday, 10 April 2024 at 18:30 (6:30pm) for presentations, followed by 19:00 (7pm) for an All You Can Eat buffet.
It will be at the Gurkha Restaurant.
The buffet will be £15 per head, payable to Sue or Nev BEFORE the night, so, Captains, please arrange with your players to collect numbers and the monies and get them to the above in good time.
This year there will be presentations for:
- Div 1 Winners
- Div 2 Winners
- Div 1 Most Valued Player
- Div 2 Most Valued Player
- Endeavour Trophy
- Divisional Tournament Div 1 Winners
- Divisional Tournament Div 2 Winners
- Open Tournament Winners
Please ensure you arrive in good time for the start of the presentation.