WSV – COVID-19 Policies – In Abeyance

These policies ae currently (01 Aug 2024) NOT in force….

Rules COVID-19 Policies and Procedures – v02.0 – 19 Sep 21
In these unprecedented times, like many other activities, the policy surrounding volleyball has to adapt.  These WSV – COVID-19 Policies and Procedures have been developed in conjunction with Weymouth Community Sports Centre management to minimise risk to health for players and refereeing personnel.  The policies have been designed to be as objective as possible using guidance from Volleyball England to match Government Guidelines and as practical as possible to maximise leisure and minimise risk.  

The following must be adhered to at all times:

  1. If you feel unwell, have a temperature or new cough do NOT attend and inform your Captain.
  2. Spectators are not allowed in the sports hall playing area.  They are allowed in the reception viewing area.
  3. Match 1 players and refereeing team should endeavour to arrive on time to allow COVID-19 procedures to be completed before match starts.  
  4. Match 2 players are not allowed to enter the sports hall playing area until 19:55.
  5. Upon arrival players must hand-sanitise prior to entering the sports hall playing area.
  6. Having entered, players are to proceed directly to their Team Designated Area (TDA) for warm up and the whole match (no swapping ends). A TDA list is displayed on WSV Notice Board (on right side of corridor immediately prior to entering the main hall) and within the Fixture List on this website.
  7. Players are to hand-sanitise again prior to touching any volleyballs.
  8. Refereeing team, as per the Fixture List, is to be in positions of responsibility, hands-sanitised and ready for match start.
  9. Refereeing Team procedures:
    1. The refereeing team is strongly encouraged to wear face masks throughout.
    2. One person only may operate the score board and must be wearing gloves, supplied by WSV.
    3. Personal mouth whistles may be used by the owner only.  Those without a personal mouth whistle must use a hand “Thwhistles”, as previously supplied by WSV.
    4. Set results are to be written on scoresheets (supplied and pre-sanitised by WSV) after each set by the score board operator.
  10. Playing procedures:
    1. Off court players are strongly encouraged to space out on the bench and wear face masks. Players on court do not need to wear face masks. 
    2. Physical team congratulations, celebrations and huddles, etc. are discouraged.
    3. After each set players are to hand-sanitise at the sanitisation point at the net post on their right.
    4. Post match hand shaking between teams prohibited.
    5. Post match, players not required for refereeing duties are to leave promptly via the Sports Hall Exit Doors.
  11. Between Matches WSV officials will sanitise the benches and balls.
  12. Access to toilet facilities or medical assistance is via the Sports Hall Exit Doors and go around the outside of the building to re-enter via the front main door.
  13. A review of procedures will take place after the 1st phase of the competition.
  14. These policies and procedures will remain in place until notified otherwise. 
  15. Further restrictions may be added at any time. To ease reading, changes will be colour coded to the latest version number.

Note. By these policies and procedures, which incorporate government and local initiative, every effort has been made to safeguard all WSV players and organisers and allow WSV to continue.


Offenders may be required to leave the building